My First Quilt


I was inspired by my friend Kelsey to join in on the fun of the Blogger’s Quilt Festival. It seems appropriate as Kelsey introduced me to quilting last year. I had been a home sewer but had exhausted my interest in home dec sewing and had never been inspired to sew clothing.


Seeing Kelsey’s quilts sparked an interest in me for a creative outlet and who doesn’t love all the fabrics? So not knowing a thing about quilting I signed up for a class at this great local fabric store in Boulder. The instruction was amazing and I finished this lap quilt over the course of a month. This quilt is special to me not only since it was my first, but the experience gave me the skills to open a new hobby that I can use to create for myself and others.


This quilt is well loved in the house as the lap quilt for the couch, perhaps most loved by the cat. My favorite fabric in the quilt is lobster fabric. I bought it since my family lives far away in Maine and I think of them every time I notice the lobster pattern.

7 thoughts on “My First Quilt

  1. Congratulations on diving into the wonderful world of quilting! A class is the best way to start and the good thing about quilting is that there is always a need to make another! Very impressive!

  2. Thanks for all the supportive comments. The quilting community is a wonderful environment for sharing and support. I’m glad to be a part of it.

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